is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.
This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.
Do you want to improve #codeberg and have nothing to do for the weekend yet? Check out the #GoodFirstIssue s at Forgejo and let friendly maintainers help you if necessary:
Dear #GitHub users, if you prefer the orange-themed heatmap for #halloween and would like to see it all year long: feel invited to move to #Forgejo or #Codeberg (and choosing a forgejo theme in the appearance settings). It's the default colour here.
#CommunitySpotlight are you an #XMPP user?
Make sure to check out #Conversations on #Codeberg!
Hi! We "upgraded" our primary @matrix chat, ( to room version 9. Upgrades are a part of the Matrix protocol: They create a new room in the place of the old one, and send invites to everyone in the old room. If you were in the old room, you should have received an invite.
We had 1588 members, but it seems like we only sent ~1180 invites. If you were a member of the chat, please accept the invite! If you haven't received one, please let us know!
There seems to be a pretty sizable amount of #Codeberg-using folks in #Aachen. Would any of you be down for a coffee or something drinkable at a café around here on Saturday or Sunday (as a group / "Stammtisch")? If it goes well, I could do a semi-regular thing out of it.
(reposted at a better time of the day)
#GitHub #RateLimit #WTF? Time to move with your open source projects to #Codeberg
ich werde #ActivityPub jetzt mal mit #snac2 ausprobieren. Mastodon ist eine sehr schöne Anwendung, aber einfach nicht mein Ding. Außerdem ist Mikroblogging auch nicht meins. Ich habe mir mal snac2 installiert.
A simple, minimalistic ActivityPub instance written in portable C* Source Code ist auf #Codeberg und nicht auf Github :)
Hört sich ganz interessant an. Ich kann im Web sogar das Fenster maximieren, wenn ich einen Text schreibe.