is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

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Social /dev/LUG/social
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Search results for tag #xmpp

Gold gab ich für Eisen »

@sammi @daniel @maple

"why are we conflating email with IM?"

E.g. because both are used for communication between people.

"xmpp clients, to me anyway, don't meet my requirements of e2ee by default"

You are not enforced to use them. As is an open standard and there are clients, you are free to make one that meets your standards.

    Gold gab ich für Eisen »

    @sammi @daniel @maple So why are you keeping discuss this legacy tech?

    The "ecosystem" (deemed to be a word-to-avoid, actually) owes you nothing.

      🌈 Lascapi ⁂ »

      ☕️ WhatsApp déploie la transcription des messages vocaux

      J'en rêvais .... Méta l'a fait !!!

      Est ce que c'est envisageable de faire quelque chose comme ça en full ? Direct dans un client ou ??

        Jan »

        And again: No connection to server 😢

        @ij @Menel

          Jan »

          Does anyone knows about problems with the server I cannot connect to my account for ~ 12h.

            JoinJabber boosted

            contrapunctus ✊🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ »

            Some rooms that are relevant to non-technical users.

            The general channel for , , and

            The India community

            A channel for learning, practicing, and enjoying the and .

              JoinJabber boosted


              Monal 6.4.6 (Build 989, PR #1288) released.

              - Fix regression when connecting solely using old STARTTLS connection method
              - Fix crash when being unable to connect while creating new account
              - Fix connection problems on slow connections
              - Show timestamp of last received push in notification debug menu
              - Fix various other crashes

                uexo »

                @unplugged @debacle I think Profanity supports history, but I'm not sure which combination of `/history` `/logging` or `/mam` is needed...

                  Julian boosted

                  Daniel Gultsch »

                  Should add as a fallback for servers missing XEP-0215: External Service Discovery?

                  I’ve hesitated to add anything resembling "calling home" (no update checker, no metrics).

                  However, the main goal here wouldn’t be improving A/V call success (though it helps) but making P2P file transfers more reliable. Many servers still lack HTTP Upload, and the refactored Jingle File Transfer would benefit greatly from a fallback STUN server.



                    Axel »

                    @ulfi @daniel
                    I recognized this "duplicated MUC messages" with Gajim only. And I think it happened when my Linux-PC recovered from standby. I think it only happened with MUCs on other servers but I am not sure.
                    But to be fair: Most new users I know only use one smartphone app.

                      Daniel Gultsch »

                      We tried the "The NSA kills people based on meta data" approach and it did nothing to convince people to use .
                      How about changing our messaging to: "Your crippling BNPL debt is a direct consequence of Google, Meta and ByteDance knowing every fucking thing about you"

                        Bhante Subharo »

                        Umpopular opinion: is sort of like the Iron Maiden of instant messaging, and should be relegated to the obscure mists of history, like gopher.

                        should now occupy that nostalgic "place of pride" for geeks instead, as the "baseline" of old-school IRC-like instant messaging. Especially since lightweight, TUI-based XMPP clients exist, which would even run on the very cheap, slowest of Raspberry Pi's (which are not embedded controllers). Yes, the usability of today's XMPP clients is rough-around-the edges, *but it's an order of magnitude less rough than IRC*.

                        Now that OMEMO is reliable across the board (to my knowledge), I see it as an obvious "must-have", just like SSL is the assumed baseline of acceptable security these days for all websites (now that certbot makes it so quick and easy to have).

                        Now that we are entering times where privacy and security are seen as must-haves, it's as though end-to-end encryption is to Instant Messaging, as SSL is to web hosting.

                          Bhante Subharo »

                          @maple I have a running list of usability "papercuts" (in , the only client I feel is worth recommending so far):


                          To this I would add a 5): doesn't show the number of new messages on the home screen icon, as in other IM (showing a small red circle with a number inside. See the "2" in the screenshot.)

                          PS: I'm considering making a private little "mkdocs" wiki with just such a short video in it (embedded, not in YouTube, which comments on my specific server's tailored settings. Just for my users. Then set an .htaccess password on it, just to be shared around in my circle.)

                          Conversations doesn't show the number of new messages on the home screen screen icon, as other IMs (showing a small red circle with a number inside. See the "2" in the screenshot.). Signal shows 2 such new messages.

                          Alt...Conversations doesn't show the number of new messages on the home screen screen icon, as other IMs (showing a small red circle with a number inside. See the "2" in the screenshot.). Signal shows 2 such new messages.

                            monocles »

                            monocles chat version 1.7.11 is finally out on Playstore ( ) and on F-Droid ( ) . Enjoy the new animated inline stickers, the WebXDC "store" to use little in-app widgets or games and many improvements and fixes! 🤩 🎉

                              Zash boosted

                              contrapunctus ✊🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ »

                              has continued to evolve and improve over the many years I've been using it. But despite the development effort going into it, there aren't as many people joining it as there should.

                              We can thank hype and neomania for that. These factors ensure that proprietary/centralized networks (the latter includes ) receive more funding and more code contributors. More funding results in better marketing and stronger network effect.


                                JoinJabber »

                                This took a while but we have updated our Code of Conduct and our Mediation document to provider more safety in our spaces.

                                Among others the CoC now specifies explicitly marginalized people, intersectional feminism and harassing/stalking. It also mentions permacomputing and consent as a way we approach computing.

                                The mediation document has a defined procedure now and also contact points for people wanting to report things.


                                  JoinJabber »

                                  @bootblackcub We are obviously biased, but is much lighter on server rescources, so you will probably have less issues with it on Yunohost. And maybe someone will add the Matrix bridge to Yunohost?

                                    Stefan boosted

                                    Sven »

                                    Irgendwie schwingt ein wenig Wehmut mit, mich von meinen Projekten zu trennen. Aber ich habe es satt Zeit und Geld in etwas zu investieren was nicht gewürdigt wird bzw missbraucht wird. Somit werden und Server wie geplant abgeschaltet. Vielleicht merken die Leute irgendwann mal das es nichts umsonst gibt.

                                      Stefan boosted

                                      Robert Gregor »

                                      irc, xmpp, and email are all you need to be happy. and of course rss, especially for personal blogs.

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