is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.
This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.
Wie mache ich in #Windows in einem Ordner '2024' die gleichen Ordner wie in Ordner '2023'?
Also ich mach die #WSL auf und tipp dann das hier:
/2023]$ for i in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | tac | head -9 | cut -c 3-); do echo $i; mkdir ../2024/$i; done
Aber wie macht das ein DAU?
Der wird doch nicht jeden Ordner selber von Hand anlegen?
Okay, das waren jetzt nur 9 Stück, aber so könnten es halt auf 9.000 sein...
❤️ With all the installations on #GNU/#Linux (servers, vms, desktop, ... ), #BSD and #Unix systems, #MacOS, #Microsoft #Windows and WLS) I feel comfortable to claim there or way more than 1 billion installations of Vi*; often without people knowing about it.❤️
❤️ Thank you Bram Moolenaar, Christian Brabandt, the whole #Vim community, and all the people from projects like #NeoVIM, #Nvi, #Busybox #Vi, who develop and maintain their #vim flavour. ❤️ ❤️ #ilovefs ❤️
Moving code signing to HSMs only was a mistake or at least premature.. That or I missed all of the documentation. Probably a combination of all that.
That said, @pidgin 2.14.14 will be released on Thursday since I finally went through the pain of figuring out how to get the Windows binaries signed again..
You can read all about it in my most recent blog post
Windows is widely used and offers a variety of popular programs for everyday use. However, those who opt for TUXEDO OS or other Linux distributions do not have to compromise on functionality.