is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.
This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.
This feels weird to say because it should be obvious: Don’t download random #Conversations_im forks from the PlayStore!
I don’t know why people install apps with no website or source code. If you’re reading this, you’re likely not one of them—but server stats show they exist.
Yesterday, I warned one such fork about massive security issues and asked them to take it down. They refused.
Should #Conversations_im add as a fallback for #XMPP servers missing XEP-0215: External Service Discovery?
I’ve hesitated to add anything resembling "calling home" (no update checker, no metrics).
However, the main goal here wouldn’t be improving A/V call success (though it helps) but making P2P file transfers more reliable. Many servers still lack HTTP Upload, and the refactored Jingle File Transfer would benefit greatly from a fallback STUN server.
Yes: | 61 |
No: | 24 |
Closes in 19:10:05
After upgrading to #Android 15 I was tracking down this bug in #Conversations_im where the color of the text in the status bar sometimes doesn't change with the app theme. Occasionally I would get white status bar text on top of a light theme.
Then I noticed that other apps - including the clock app! - have the same issue.
I'm absolutely convinced that the engineers working on Android are all using iPhones. I mean how does one not notice issues like that?
@its_a_me @bhhaskin fwiw #Conversations_im is not a hobby project. It is very much a commercial enterprise. My hobbies don't entail sitting in front of a computer.
At the #XMPP Summit − after a topic is well-discussed and a rough consensus reached − someone needs to volunteer to write the XEP.
Last year, I volunteered to write the XEP for synchronizing read states across devices.
It's called Message Displayed Synchronization and is now in Last Call, where community feedback is gathered before a XEP becomes 'stable.'
Prototype implementations are in @Monal and #Conversations_im.
For those who can’t wait for Emoji Reactions I made #Conversations_im available for free on Google Play for the next couple of days.
(Note that the Google Play version has some drawbacks like no address book integration and no public channel discovery. For channel discovery you can use directly.)
Good news and bad news.
#Conversations_im 2.17.0 has support for emoji reactions 🎉
Since @Codeberg appears to be under constant DDoS attacks they have added pretty strict rate limits that the @fdroidorg build server keeps running into. 😞
Another build cycle just failed and it's unclear when 2.17.0 will be available on F-Droid.
Maybe Codeberg and F-Droid can back channel an allow list or something? 🙏