is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.
This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.
Monal 6.4.6 (Build 989, PR #1288) released.
- Fix regression when connecting solely using old STARTTLS connection method
- Fix crash when being unable to connect while creating new account
- Fix connection problems on slow connections
- Show timestamp of last received push in notification debug menu
- Fix various other crashes
The #XMPP Newsletter for October 2024 is out!
Read about the latest XMPP universe updates and the latest updates on our #standards!
Enjoy reading! 📰 ☕
#jabber #chat #interoperability #rtc
#opensource #decentralization
Greetings Programs! There's 57 days until the end of the year which is when I promised @pidgin 3.0 Experimental 1! We're getting closer every day but there's still plenty of work to do, so come on by!! #OpenSource #OpenSourceLive #LiveCoding #C #GTK #Chat
Gajim is currently migrating from GTK3 to GTK4. 🔧 GTK is Gajim's user interface toolkit. It provides building blocks, like windows, buttons and labels. 🧩
Version 4 of this toolkit brings performance improvements to Gajim, e.g. faster rendering of user interface elements. 💨
Additionally, switching to GTK4 allows Gajim to use newer widgets, like nice drop downs.
Here is a quick peek at a new group chat "@ mention" widget. 😎
Stay tuned!
Greetings Programs!! We're 61 days away from the promised date of @pidgin 3.0 Experimental 1 and we've got some work to do! Come on by!! #OpenSource #OpenSourceLive #LiveCoding #Chat #C #GTK
Wenn da jemand Erfahrungen hat, sag doch mal Bescheid.
D.h. man zeigt erst die Nachricht an, danach kommt eine Zeile mit den emoji reactions.
Monal 6.4.5 (Build 982, PR #1258) released.
To see the complete list of bugfixes and improvements, check our releases page:
Appstore install links: (iOS) (macOS)