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Search results for tag #gnu

Free Software Foundation »

Have questions about possible violations of licenses? We have answers! Check out all the questions and answers on our FAQ page at

    Free Software Foundation »

    Check out the important work our volunteers accomplished at last Friday's Free Software Directory (FSD) IRC meeting:

      Free Software Foundation »

      On Sunday, March 23, 2025, three artifacts in our collection found new homes:

      Photos from left to right of the Internet Hall of Fame medal, the GNU head, and a katana

      Alt...Photos from left to right of the Internet Hall of Fame medal, the GNU head, and a katana

        Intevation GmbH »

        Förderpreis für Freie Software

        Intevation ist seit 2001 dabei: Jedes Jahr vergibt die Universität Osnabrück Förderpreise für besonders gelungene Arbeiten ihrer Studierenden. Auch 2024 waren wir einer der Stifter:

        Uns kommt es besonders darauf an, dass die Arbeit in den Themenkreis usw. fällt. Denn Freie Software ist für uns nicht nur ein Slogan, es ist unser Fundament für nachhaltige IT-Software, die Menschen nützt.

          Free Software Foundation »

          Now that we've gone through all six , we are re-opening bidding for the head, the pair of prints, the GNU Party drawing, and the Norbert Wiener Award for Social and Professional Responsibility on

          Free Software Foundation »

          Stallma's katana and the Internet Hall of Fame medals have just sold! While you have missed your chance on these two shiny memorabilia, the head did not meet its reserve price, and will be up for bidding again later today, as well as the paired GCC letter prints:

            Free Software Foundation »

            Two stunning prints of the artwork by Gary Torrisi studio that grace the cover of Using GCC - The GNU Compiler Collection Reference Manual for GCC that could be yours! Take a closer look and bid via while there's still time:

            Two photos of drawings of two gnu in the shapes of a 'G' and a 'C' on a white background with words above reading 'Pair of GCC GNU letter drawings by Etienne Suvasa' on a blue background

            Alt...Two photos of drawings of two gnu in the shapes of a 'G' and a 'C' on a white background with words above reading 'Pair of GCC GNU letter drawings by Etienne Suvasa' on a blue background

            Free Software Foundation »

            Our live is starting off strong with a hand-drawn, early version of the iconic GNU logo, the "GNU head" by Etienne Suvasa from 1992, is encased in a gorgeous golden frame. Read about its wide appearance throughout the world here before bidding on FSF40

            A photo of a hand-drawn gnu with a signature in the bottom right corner on a white background inside a stylized golden frame

            Alt...A photo of a hand-drawn gnu with a signature in the bottom right corner on a white background inside a stylized golden frame


            codeDude »

            How do you learn to use your tools?

            Reading the manual:35
            Reading the documentation online:19
            Watching a video:8
            Asking on social media or chat:2

              Free Software Foundation »

              The tech team operates sixty-three different services, platforms, and websites. They maintain all the computers and software FSF uses, including obscure things like accounting software, Asterisk telephone software, many websites such as,, and more. This small team also provides critical services to the System, like email, build servers, release hosting, bug tracking, Git hosting, and servers to various free software projects. Read more:

                Free Software Foundation »

                There are only 3 hours left to bid on ! Bid now before time runs out: -est

                A group of photos of FSF 2025 silent auction items. From left to right, top row: from of an Amiga3000UX; a plush GNU with a black streak down the front and stripes on the side;  blue gnu head on a background of ones and zeros and gray and green mainboards as well as floating red, yellow, green, and purple gnus with a gray overlay; and a gnu brushing a dog. Top row, from left to right: a gnu pounding away at a typewriter, generating the GNU Manifesto; A framed award with text reading 'Presented to Richard Stallman The 2009 Merv Leitch, QC Memorial Visiting Chair University of Calgary Faculty of Law February 3, 2009' with the University of Calgary crest at the bottom; Framed award with text reading 'International Competition for Cyberarts PRIXARS 2005 Award of Distinction Digital Communities Free Software Foundation' with two signatures in the lower corners; and a terminus-est device

                Alt...A group of photos of FSF 2025 silent auction items. From left to right, top row: from of an Amiga3000UX; a plush GNU with a black streak down the front and stripes on the side; blue gnu head on a background of ones and zeros and gray and green mainboards as well as floating red, yellow, green, and purple gnus with a gray overlay; and a gnu brushing a dog. Top row, from left to right: a gnu pounding away at a typewriter, generating the GNU Manifesto; A framed award with text reading 'Presented to Richard Stallman The 2009 Merv Leitch, QC Memorial Visiting Chair University of Calgary Faculty of Law February 3, 2009' with the University of Calgary crest at the bottom; Framed award with text reading 'International Competition for Cyberarts PRIXARS 2005 Award of Distinction Digital Communities Free Software Foundation' with two signatures in the lower corners; and a terminus-est device

                  Free Software Foundation »

                  The last of twenty-five are now open for bidding! Remember to put your bid in by 15:00 EDT (19:00 UTC), March 21 2025:

                  A group of photos on a light blue background, from left to right (top row): a drawing of a gnu herd roaming the savannah, chilling with elephants and giraffes; Framed award with text reading 'International Competition for Cyberarts PRIXARS 2005 Award of Distinction Digital Communities Free Software Foundation' with two signatures in the lower corners; and a drawing of a gnu brushing a dog. On the bottom row there are two photos, from left to right: a plush wild beast measuring 12 inches long with horns and tags; and a wooden plague with Arabic and English text engraved as well as a Colombe, the outline of Morocco, and some ornaments with a green background shining through the engraved words. Above the group of photos the text reads 'Only 1 day left to place your bid on these five memorabilia'

                  Alt...A group of photos on a light blue background, from left to right (top row): a drawing of a gnu herd roaming the savannah, chilling with elephants and giraffes; Framed award with text reading 'International Competition for Cyberarts PRIXARS 2005 Award of Distinction Digital Communities Free Software Foundation' with two signatures in the lower corners; and a drawing of a gnu brushing a dog. On the bottom row there are two photos, from left to right: a plush wild beast measuring 12 inches long with horns and tags; and a wooden plague with Arabic and English text engraved as well as a Colombe, the outline of Morocco, and some ornaments with a green background shining through the engraved words. Above the group of photos the text reads 'Only 1 day left to place your bid on these five memorabilia'


                    codeDude »

                    communities Do you think a floss event should be announced on and other non free decentralized social media?

                    Yes - it's good spread it to get new audience:27
                    No - Even when the goal is get new audience:12
                    It doesn't matter for me:6
                    The goal shouldn't be to get new audience:0

                      Matthias Kirschner »

                      After previously pushing to correct their abuse of the our sister organisation the @fsf now submitted an amicus brief to defend . The licenses were designed to empower users and it is important that we as community make sure this is understood.


                        Matthias Kirschner »

                        ❤️ Thank you to the @postmarketOS community, the contributors to @gnome + @phosh ( @agx ), the Plasma mobile contributors from @kde and others in the community who make the programs mobile friendly, and many others who are working for many years now on for mobile phones! I highly appreciate your work for 👏👏👏👏 ❤️

                          Matthias Kirschner »

                          ❤️ With all the installations on /#Linux (servers, vms, desktop, ... ), and systems, , and WLS) I feel comfortable to claim there or way more than 1 billion installations of Vi*; often without people knowing about it.❤️

                          ❤️ Thank you Bram Moolenaar, Christian Brabandt, the whole community, and all the people from projects like , , , who develop and maintain their flavour. ❤️

                 ❤️ ❤️

                          Matthias and Raphael at SFSCON 2024 in the middle of a crowd after asking all people in the audience to stand up if are using Vim, or have used Vim in the past. Matthias showing the VI M sign with his fingers - CC-BY-SA 4.0 NOI

                          Alt...Matthias and Raphael at SFSCON 2024 in the middle of a crowd after asking all people in the audience to stand up if are using Vim, or have used Vim in the past. Matthias showing the VI M sign with his fingers - CC-BY-SA 4.0 NOI

                            Matthias Kirschner »

                            Attending and interested in Legal and Policy topics? Have a look at what we put together for our dev room here:

                            Covering eInvoice, reflection on , Trademarks, on Routers, managing copyrights at , Datamining, AI, auditing web trackers, on , breaking tech monopolies ( ) with the EU Commission, antitrust, several aspects of the ( + implementation).

                            Looking forward to see many of you there!